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Zoom Video Conferencing for the Hard of Hearing
Image credit mohamed_hassan on Pixabay As a hard-of-hearing person who relies on lips to comprehend speech, two years of people wearing masks was like living in the Twilight Zone. However, a remarkable thing DID happen! Zoom video conferencing! What is Zoom? It is...

Hearing Loss Survival Tactics
As I stated in my TedX talk and my books, I was often unaware - or unwilling - to acknowledge my hearing disability for much of my life. This included not recognizing behaviors that I adopted to survive my disability. However, I finally realized them for what they are...
Cooking with Hearing loss.
For me, and millions of others, the holiday season means a LOT of time in the kitchen preparing delectable food, treats, and sweets for family and guests. Cooking with hearing loss requires some TLC!

Helen Keller Quotes about Deafness
For years I quoted and supported the remarkable Helen Keller quotes about deafness. I feel differently now. The two quotes are: "Blindness cuts us off from things, but deafness cuts us off from people. and "The problems of deafness are deeper and more complex, if not...

Questions about Hearing Loss 8-10
More questions about hearing loss I recently gave a 20-minute keynote about hearing loss. The reviews and responses were overwhelmingly positive.The title of the talk is “WHAT? 10 Questions Most Often asked about Hearing Loss” The talk is based on my experience as a...

Questions about Hearing Loss 1-4
I recently gave a 20-minute keynote about hearing loss. The reviews and responses were overwhelmingly positive.The title of the talk is “WHAT? 10 Questions Most Often asked about Hearing Loss” The talk is based on my experience as a person with hearing loss and a...

10 Questions about Hearing Loss
I recently gave a 20-minute keynote about hearing loss. The reviews and responses were overwhelmingly positive. The title of the talk is “WHAT? 10 Questions Most Often asked about Hearing Loss” The talk is based on my experience as a person with hearing loss and a...
The Dynamics of Hearing
It is essential to understand that hearing is a function of the ears, while COMPREHENSION of speech sounds is a function of the brain. We all employ the dynamics of hearing. Capitalize on them when communicating with a person who is hard of hearing. A comment I often...

Hearing Aids A Saving Grace
Hearing loss is measured far beyond decibels. Hearing loss is linked to feelings of anxiety, depression, frustration, social isolation, and fatigue. Hearing aids can be a saving grace.

Three Benefits of Hearing Loss
While the disadvantages far outweigh the advantages, here are three benefits of hearing loss Arguments I have to confess; I only use this tactic on my husband. As we grow old together, the need to employ it is less and less. If...

COVID-19 and Hearing Loss
There are unique challenges and one big perk associated with COVID-19 and Hearing Loss. Perks As a person who is hard of hearing, there is one primary perk with this whole COVID-19 situation. That is virtual meetings. March, April, and May mark the season for...

My Cochlear and Hearing Aid visit Los Rios
Here is an insight into some pros and cons of hearing loss during an outing. Despite a cochlear and hearing aid, there is still a hearing loss. This awareness is helpful for yourself or someone you know who is new to the experience of diminished hearing. For this...

Giving Thanks for My Hearing Loss?
Many with “less than perfect” physical capabilities dwell on the disadvantages – those with hearing loss are no different – yet there are often hidden advantages to the challenges we face on a daily basis.
How Voice and Tonality can help the Hard of Hearing
UCLA Researcher Dr. Albert Mehrabian reports that our voice relays 38% of a message. This is good news when communicating with a person with a hearing loss. Talking to Animals When I was younger, and I had dogs. I always got a big kick out of saying awful...
8 Tips to Survive Dining in Loud Restaurants
Dining in loud restaurants can damage hearing. If hard of hearing, loud restaurants pose a real challenge. The American Tinnitus Association suggests that if you cannot understand what someone is saying 3 feet away from you, the noise level could be harming your...