Linnaea Speaks on the Camarillo, California TEDx Stage
Hearing impaired since birth, Linnaea speaks about hearing loss to a variety of groups and organizations. She received a standing ovation for her TEDx talk on the topic.
The presentations are useful for:
Disability awareness events
Hearing audiences to understand how to interact with someone who has imperfect hearing
Senior groups, so they can understand how to adjust and manage their later-in-life hearing loss
Entrepreneurs, non-profits, and businesses who wish to create satisfied and loyal customers (and employees!) who have imperfect hearing
Caretakers, so they can better understand and serve the needs of clients and their families
School presentations to young audiences to help them cherish and protect the hearing they now have
Parents who wish to protect the hearing of their children
General audiences curious about the many aspects of hearing loss
Hearing Loss Association gatherings
Contact Linnaea to tailor her speaking topics to meet the needs of YOUR audience. Here are her general speech topics:
Hearing Loss CPR – Keep the Connection Alive
This is a lighthearted, honest look at the pros and cons of havingdiminished hearing, and how to communicate as, or with, a person that does not have perfect hearing. This is not about individuals born deaf and must rely on sign language to communicate. This focuses on the 16 million Americans who live in the mainstream of life with diminished hearing. Participants will learn:
The three biggest myths that severely impact, if not prevent, successful communication with a person with imperfect hearing
The dynamics of hearing we all utilize, but that the hearing impaired especially rely upon
The “CPR” for preventing a conversation from dying when communication with a person with a hearing loss
Do You Have a Hearing Loss?
An insightful talk about the signs of hearing loss and what to do about it Participants will learn:
Signs of hearing loss
Two types of hearing loss and the associated characteristics
Getting one’s hearing tested
What hearing loss sounds like
Hearing aids – types and adjusting to them
Cochlear Implants – how they are not like hearing aids
Dangerous Decibels
This is an insightful talk about how the ears work and how noise damages them. How loud and for how long does noise hurt our hearing? Participants will learn:
The decibel level of our everyday life
What decibel levels can cause hearing loss
Phone apps to measure decibel levels
What hearing loss SOUNDS like quite sobering)
How to protect our ears and the ears of infants/children
Despairs and Delights of Not Hearing Alright
A humorous yet educational talk about the disadvantages and advantages of being hard of hearing. Participants will learn:
The advantages of hearing loss and how to maximize on them
The disadvantages of hearing loss and how to work with them
Awkward and disastrous moments – providing insight to the social challenges and dangers of living with a hearing loss.
You were a big hit at the San Fernando Valley Chapter meeting last Wednesday. Many people thought you gave the best presentation of the year. And the sales of your book, Read My Lips Tips for Success showed hat you bonded with the audience. Thank you for presenting such a well-received program. – Sincerely, the SFV Hearing Loss Assn.
Contact Linnaea to tailor her speaking topics to meet the needs of your audience.
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7 Tips from Hearing Loss CPR – Keep the Connection Alive
This is a short book with seven chapters copied from the large edition. This smaller book focuses primarily on communicating with or as a person who is hard of hearing.
T-shirts for the Hard of Hearing
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Thirty Tips to Get Out of the Pits – Linnaea’s book on overcoming adversity.