Whether you have a hearing loss or interact with those who have are hard-of-hearing – I am here to help you glean understanding, sensitivity, and provice tips to make communication and connection possible.
I have been profoundly hearing impaired since birth. I did not understand the dynamics of my hearing loss, how it is I manage to hear with what little hearing I do have, and the emotional impact of my loss until I was forty-five years old. And that was just the beginning. A much broader awareness continues to emerge to this day – almost twenty years later.
When it comes to hearing loss, it’s all about connection
Have you interacted with a person with a hearing loss? If you have not, chances are likely you will. There are millions of us who are hearing impaired. According to the National Institute of Deafness and Communication Disorders (NIDCD) (2012)
- Approximately 17 percent (36 million) of American adults report some degree of hearing loss.
- Approximately 15 percent (26 million) of Americans between the ages of 20 and 69 have a high frequency-hearing loss due to exposure to loud sounds or noise at work or in leisure activities.
- Approximately 18 percent of American adults 45-64 years old, 30 percent of adults 65-74 years old, and 47 percent of adults 75 years old or older have a hearing loss.
Why care about hearing loss?
You should care because that person may be a family member, friend, customer, client, employer, employee…or even you; And you want to stay connected!
My experience echoes the millions who struggle with being hard of hearing.
- The negative consequences of not accepting the hearing loss (or one’s limitations in general.)
- The avoidance of people or organizations/businesses that make it difficult for me to communicate with them.
- The isolation and depression that accompanies hearing loss.
- The strain hearing loss has on family and friends.
- The inconvenience of a hearing loss in a business setting.
- The diminished confidence due to a hearing loss.
- The negative, sometimes dangerous, consequences of “faking” that I hear.
- The frustration and embarrassment of interacting with those who do not know how to talk to a person with imperfect hearing.
- The pain of being rejected because of my diminished hearing.
- The challenges of being a Toastmaster leader with a hearing loss (I was a Distinguished District Governor 2003-2004 for District 52).
- The liberation that comes with embracing the loss and working with myself and others to help me get along in my world.
- The satisfaction others experience when they successfully interact with me.
- The satisfaction of being connected to my world.
On this site, I will address myths associated with hearing loss. I’ll impart knowledge about how to create satisfied and loyal clients, customers, family and friends that are hard of hearing. I’ll share the technologies that are available to assist those of us with imperfect hearing. I’ll share insights for successful, meaningful connection. I share the lighter/humorous side of hearing loss
It all comes from my personal experience, observations, and study.
Hearing Loss CPR – the book
My book, “Hearing Loss CPR – /First Aid for Hearing Loss” is a wonderful resource for understanding and dealing with hearing loss. It is the updated and expanded version of my original book published in 2014.
I invite your thoughts, experiences, and feedback. You can submit them via the contact form on the “about” page.
Here’s to meaningful connection!