Questions about Hearing Loss 8-10

Questions about Hearing Loss 8-10

More questions about hearing loss I recently gave a 20-minute keynote about hearing loss. The reviews and responses were overwhelmingly positive.The title of the talk is “WHAT? 10 Questions Most Often asked about Hearing Loss” The talk is based on my experience as a...

Lip-Reading for Children

A video designed to help kids learn long vowels with a silent "e." Recently I was reminded of the importance of lip-reading when trying to understand speech. My husband, a substitute teacher for elementary school, shared with me a video designed to help kids learn...

Hearing Loss and Doctor Visits

Hearing loss and doctor visits can cause issues or even be dangerous if you do not fully understand what is being asked or explained to you. Here are some tips to help. I created a cartoon titled “The Hearing-impaired Elderly Patient.” In the cartoon, the elderly...

Communicating with the Hearing Impaired

Hearing Loss CPR offers tips and techniques you can use when communicating with the hearing impaired or explaining yourself to others if you are the person with the hearing loss. If I had this information when I was younger, it would have made my life easier.

Vocal Variety and Hearing Loss

38% of a message is relayed by our voice. Employing vocal variety helps when communicating with a person that has a hearing loss When I was younger, and I had dogs, I always got a big kick out of saying awful things to them in a sweet voice and watching them respond...

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