Do You Have a Hearing Loss?

Do You Have a Hearing Loss?

A delightful woman in one of my Toastmaster clubs gave a speech about the time she realized she had a hearing problem. It was while serving on Jury duty. “It was then I first realized I was going deaf. I could hear the lawyer, and I could hear the witness. But, I...

Three Benefits of Hearing Loss

Three Benefits of Hearing Loss

While the disadvantages far outweigh the advantages, here are three benefits of hearing loss Arguments I have to confess; I only use this tactic on my husband. As we grow old together, the need to employ it is less and less. If...

COVID-19 and Hearing Loss

COVID-19 and Hearing Loss

There are unique challenges and one big perk associated with COVID-19 and Hearing Loss. Perks As a person who is hard of hearing, there is one primary perk with this whole COVID-19 situation. That is virtual meetings. March, April, and May mark the season for...

A Simple Hearing Loss Test

Do you or someone you know have a hearing loss? The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) offers this simple hearing loss test to determine if you may have diminished hearing. If you answer “yes” to three or more of these hearing...

Cochlear Implant Expectations

Adjusting the settings of the Cochlear Implant My audiologist said everyone does the same thing I did. While listening to the list of Cochlear Implant expectations, people tend to think "Oh, I'll be different. That won't happen to me!" Here are the 16 items read to me...

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