Thankful for A Hearing Loss?

Thankful for A Hearing Loss?

Thanksgiving, the season of gratitude and thanks, is upon us. Can we give thanks for a hearing loss?   Many with “less than perfect” physical capabilities dwell on the disadvantages – those with hearing loss are no different – yet there are often hidden...

Get Reconnected

When our eyesight starts to diminish, we rush down to the store and get some of those little ‘cheaters’ or magnifying glasses; yet, when it comes to hearing loss, people wait an average five to ten years before seeking help. Why wait? Could it be one is not aware of a...

Why a Hard-of-Hearing Cat is My Mascot

Why a Hard-of-Hearing Cat is My Mascot

With the recent promotions of my revised and expanded hearing loss book, many ask, “What’s up with the cat wearing hearing aids?" A hard-of-hearing cat wearing hearing aids is the mascot for my books about hearing loss for two reasons.  First of all, I am nuts about...

Aging parents?  You need this book NOW!

Aging parents? You need this book NOW!

Hearing loss and aging go together.     If you are finding it increasingly difficult to connect with your parents because of hearing loss, you'll want to get a copy of Hearing Loss CPR, Keep the Connection Alive; a book that focuses on communicating with someone...

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