Enjoy the wit and wisdom in the books about hearing loss by Linnaea Mallette
Hearing Loss:
Linnaea’s updated and expanded book about hearing loss now includes information about cochlear implants. 230 pages packed with valuable information to help you stay connected with others, with your world.
I have been experiencing hearing loss for several years but finally had to get hearing aids so that I could better hear my co-workers, my clients, and my audiences. After reading this book I actually now feel in control of my situation! Great tips for handling this loss and for getting comfortable with this loss both physically and emotionally. I especially liked the myths about hearing loss and Dynamics of Hearing. Thank you, again Linnaea for writing a book that is very informative, honest, inspirational….and humorous!! – Roberta Perry
The work I have compiled in this book was inspired by a lovely hygienist who had been cleaning my teeth for over 10 years and has since retired. She pulled down her face mask so I could read her lips and asked in her strong Swedish accent, “Linnaea, my husband and I have noticed that we are losing some of our hearing as we grow older. Any tips for us?”
I was taken by surprise – first by her question – then by the realization that I literally had a lifetime of experience on this topic – and that my experience could be beneficial to those unfamiliar with the challenges of having, or interacting with, a person with a hearing loss.
This is by far the best information for a generation of Boomers who have no clue about hearing loss. My guy suffers from extreme hearing loss due to Chicken Pox as an adult. This book is helping him and also myself in understanding, accepting and living with hearing loss. The resources available in this book are outstanding. – Jean White
I shared with her some of what I discuss in this book:
- The three biggest myths associated with hearing loss
- Three things she can ask of individuals to help her be part of the conversation
- The dynamics of hearing that everyone uses and can be capitalized on when it comes to hearing loss
- Some of the dangers of having a hearing loss
- Some of the benefits of having a hearing loss
I could tell by her response that what I shared was helpful, that she felt hope. She could relate what I was sharing with what she and her husband had already been experiencing. She was deeply appreciative of my honesty and the survival tips I provided. I felt immensely satisfied because I knew if she fully embraced and would practice what I gave her, she and her husband could go on living full, active and satisfying lives despite their diminishing hearing.
Linnaea suffered too long without benefiting from the knowledge she has presented for us an easy to understand book that would fit in most purses, briefcases or backpacks. We all interact on a regular basis with someone struggling to understand what we are saying because of a hearing loss. I have only experienced a tiny glimpse of her frustration when trying to decipher voicemails. I love the CPR idea since every citizen would benefit from taking CPR to save a life, we would also benefit from learning and memorizing CPR for hearing loss to facilitate an improved quality of life.- Jane Branum
That’s when I realized it was time for me to share my insights, experiences, and tips with a broader audience. I do so not from an academic “schooled” point of view, although I certainly do draw upon some of those resources in this book, but as a person who has struggled with this physical disability since early childhood. My sharing is honest – personal – from the gut; no-holds-barred. It has to be that way to be truly helpful.
Because the biggest challenge in my life was not the inability to hear well. It was the unwillingness to recognize the severity of the loss and, therefore, not seek the type of information that is in this book.
When you read this book, don’t skip the CPR section. This section is for anyone who knows a person with a hearing loss and wants them to still feel connected to the conversations. The tips from the author’s personal experience will help anyone who wants to communicate better with a hearing-impaired person. I recommend this to anyone who needs more facts than just hearing aid brochures offer and wants to enjoy the information too. I could sense the author’s warmth in the stories and hard facts. -C. Denyer
This book is a wonderful guide for those who have serious hearing loss. I especially like the benefits chapter. I can relate to turning off the hearing aids. I cover my left ear and can shut out people talking when I am trying to focus on something I am reading. – D. Evans
Highly recommend if you have a hearing loss ( like me), love someone, or are friends with someone who struggles. I now, after 23 yrs, realize that I’ve been trying to pass as a Hearing person in a Hearing world, and getting progressively frustrated, so now realize that I’m really a hard of Hearing person. Great hints for helping others to learn how to speak to me! An easy read for everyone! It is the story of a survivor, an overcomer, a thriver. (“That which does not kill you makes you stronger.”) It is a user-friendly guide to those with hearing loss and those who interact with those with hearing loss. It is an example of a person teaching with authority, rather than just having done a lot of research but never tested or lived it. (Matthew 7:29)